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Join the Central Florida Disaster

Medical Coalition today!


Your portal for all documents,

guides, and useful links.

Links you to:


Board Members

Traffic Light Activity Reports

Meeting minutes & Summaries

Volunteering &

Joining Your Coalition

Links you to:

Regional Plans and Resource Lists

CyberSecurity Notices

Climate Change Resources

Training Opportunities 

Juvare Communications Support

Joining the Coalition ensures that your voice is heard in decision-making regarding resource allocations and utilization. As a member, you will receive information on training, exercises and projects that may be of interest to you. Membership is free and it only takes a moment to complete the charter.

There are many ways to get involved! We’re looking for volunteers for our Family Assistance Team, Disaster Behavioral Health Team, and our Central Florida Disaster Medical Team (CFDMT), a group of volunteer responders whose purpose is to stabilize, treat, and transfer, as appropriate, patients during a disaster or during a community-sponsored event, such as air shows, marathons, and concerts.   These are opportunities to be part of a valued teams during events and emergency situations, when it truly matters most.

As a nonprofit organization, funding to stay operational is always at the top of our list.  Your generous donation ensures that the Coalition will be there to prepare and support the healthcare system in disasters.



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